
Features/Ideas for an Unspecified TimeCurrent Work onNext Steps
Plugin as a comment feature for learning content/courses/tasks on brilliant.orgPosting tasks related to the platform (backend, frontend, PR, security, plugins) on and (@mjmrozek)Adjusting the YouTube channel @meta-competencies to the new direction, including a new intro video, descriptions, etc.
Physical or in-person school focused on acquiring meta-competencies/problem-solving techniquesPosting the essence of new learning content or small insights on and (@mjmrozek)Overview of all problem-solving strategies/approaches and positioning of current learning content
eBookProcessing the book “Probleme lösen – In komplexen Zusammenhängen denken” by Sell and Schimweg (“Solving Problems – Thinking in Complex Contexts”) into small, compact learning units. These units will follow the format: theory, reference, example, application.
Mobile app
July 12, 2024

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